Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Breakfast Saving Tips

Okay, first I have to vent.  Today I went to the grocery store for a few things.  I didn't need much, but had coupons that were about to expire.  So I really wanted to get those items. 

I chose my items, carefully checking each one so I got the correct sizes or amounts.  When I reached the register, I organized my groceries so all the coupon items were together.  (I like to do this, so if they have to check the receipt for a price, it's all in a row.)  The cashier scanned and bagged my groceries.  Then I handed him my coupons.  Now mind you, I had five coupons, not 50 or 500. 

The first one that through him for a loop was a free bag of rice.  He didn't understand he had to enter the amount.  He just kept telling me, "this coupon doesn't work".  Deep breath!!!  Next he gets a $3.00 coupon, and tried telling me it was too high.  I smiled and explained, he just had to verify the face value of the coupon.  Finally the last one was for $1.00 of two Keebler or Sunshine snack mixes. I purchased two Sunshine Cheezit mixes.  The register said, "items not purchased".  I checked my bags, found the items, he checked the receipt to verify he scanned them.  Everything should be OK, right??  Nope, he said he had to follow the computer.  I sighed very heavily, and asked for a manager. 

The guy behind me in line is getting real upset, but not as frustrated as I was. The flustered cashier said, "OK OK I'll just over ride it".  Now I am not picking on cashiers, I was one for very long time.  At some point, people have to use their judgement, and not rely solely on a computer.

My rant is done, and I will get to the point of my post.  While I was at the grocery store, cruising down the frozen food aisle, Brandon asked for pancakes.  I said no, then he asked for waffles, I said no.  Then it was toaster pastries, again I said no.  After three No's, the why's started.  I tried explaining to my 4 year old, I can make all that stuff at home, and it will cost much less.  That pacified him, at least until we got home.

So for dinner, I made French toast.  While I had the griddle out, I did the whole loaf of bread for French toast.  I also made a double batch of pancakes. Then I froze everything.  Now in the morning for breakfasts, all I have to do is put a pancake in the microwave or the French toast in the toaster oven.

I do this about once a month.  I make batches of breakfast items ahead of time.  I like to do it all at once.  This way I only have to clean the mess up one time.  It costs pennies on the dollar, compared to buying them at the store.

So the next time you are cooking pancakes or French toast, make extra.  Start a little stock pile in the freezer.  Over time you will notice the savings in your grocery budget :)

Need a pancake recipe, click here.
Need a waffle recipe, click here.
Need a French toast recipe, click here.

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